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miércoles, 15 de junio de 2011

The lake district national park

 Oh! I´ve never visited a place like that, it is in Great Britain. It has lots of beautiful landscape, mountains, valleys and lakes. This trip was one of the most beautiful ones I´ve had.
 In this national park there are six national nature reserves and eight areas of protected limestone pavement, it has footpaths, bridleways and greem lanes that give us a sence of discovery and freedom. It also has settlements with human history like neolithic sites, Roman remains and industrial activity.
 In my opinion, this place was very beautiful and good for nature. It is also very educative, I think that everyone would enjoy visiting these beautiful parks.
 Well, tu sum up, this would be a great experience for students from schools because it´s a very funny, educational and entertaining place. For me it was great, so I recommend it for everybody. 

lunes, 6 de junio de 2011

Diary Entry

3rd December, 1912
I have something to confess, I hope that if someone in any moment read this diary, doesn`t think I´m mad.
Since the death of my dear wife, I mean six days ago, I have been hearing some strange sounds, I think I am hearing them all the time, no matter where I am, my wife´s voice.
I know you will think I´m a very strange or crazy person, but that is not totally true. I am very sure that she is trying to communicate with me, or that is what I want.
At some moments, I think I´m just listening to the sound of the wind or the leaves falling, I really don´t know, I just know that I miss her so much and I want to listen to her voice one more time and tell her how sorry I feel about not paying much attention to her.

viernes, 3 de junio de 2011

Hacia el futuro.

En 1ºES en el Colegio Newlands hemos realizado un proyecto, junto a expedición bicentenario, que consistia en escribir deseos de lo que queremos para el futuro. Estas cartas fueron metidas en una capsula para ser enterradas en los hielos continentales de Argentina, para luego ser abiertas en 100 años.
En 2do ES un andinista vino a darnos una charla para que estemos más informados sobre el tema. Fue una charla muy interesante que nunca olvidaremos.
Estabamos muy emocionados porque fue una experiencia que nunca creimos que ibamos a vivir.