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jueves, 8 de septiembre de 2011

Chapter 9

I had passed the last two years of my life without remembering what had happened that night, until today. The only thing I remembered was lots of flashes from cameras and lots of people asking what had happened in front of Gatsby´s house. Nobody could know what was  happening, because the police didn´t let anybody to enter in the house, but some intelligent kids, discovered that by my backyard they could see at Gatsby´s house, but they were all horrified when they saw the pool. And I also remembered that the next day, the reporters were a nightmare.
 Now I remember that when I entered in Gatsby´s backyard, I saw Gatsby and Wilson dead in the pool, I imagined what had happened instantly; Wilson would think that Gatsby was driving the car which accidentally killed Myrtle, so Wilson went and killed Gatsby, but in reality Gatsby didn´t kill Myrtle, Daisy did, but just a few people knew this secret. For me, this was the most unfair thing in the world, but what could I do? After all, Daisy was my cousin I couldn´t blame her and Gatsby was already dead, so nothing would change much.
 Half an hour had passed since I noticed Gatsby was dead, so I decided to call Daisy, she was not interested at all about him, she couldn´t care less. That was something very strange for me, as all the days before they were deeply in love. Daisy told me that she was going away with Tom, but she didn´t mention any detail about where they will stay, where they were at that moment and when they would come back.
 I felt a necessity of doing something good for Gatsby, because he had always been too kind and helpful in my opinion, even at first our relation was doubtful because I didn´t know who he was or what he did, or maybe our relation was a bit for convenience as he loved my dear cousin Daisy and I wanted to make a novel about its kind of life, but after all, I discovered that Gatsby was a good man, and I really cared about him. That´s why I felt the necessity of doing something like a funeral, but not any common funeral, one that he really deserved and with very special people. I thought about Daisy, but she obviously wasn´t going to come back just for Gatsby´s funeral, so I thought of Meyer Wolfsheim. Meyer was the one who helped Gatsby making his fortune with bootlegging illegal drinks, so I decided to send him a letter.
 Rapidly, I called the best services in the city to have the best and unforgettable funeral, for a man, that I supposed, was very loved by people, as everybody attended his parties. But for my surprise, nothing went out as I supposed it would, nobody presented to the funeral, except Gatsby´s father. I didn´t have any idea at all, that Gatsby´s parents were still alive, I suppose he heard it from the newspaper announces. Mr. Gatz, was so proud of his sun, that he couldn´t think about not going to his funeral. I suppose he was so proud because Gatsby, when he was little, was a very poor person and when he grew up, he became a very rich person, of course he didn´t know the reasons why that happened.
 Some minutes after the funeral started, I received the answer from Meyer Wolfsheim, I had the expectation of him coming to the funeral, so I had hope, but when I started to read the letter, it was not written exactly what I wanted to hear. Even the letter said he would be very glad to be at the funeral, he was very busy at that moment with his job, he had a lot of work to do, or at least that was what the letter said. In a way, I think Meyer was the kindest of all the supposed people that would come, at least he warned us that he had lots of problems for coming, not like the other hypocrite.
 That was a moment in which I had realized how false and ironic people could be, because in a way they were using Jay Gatsby to be more popular or to know more people and they acted as if they really liked Gatsby, but even he had given them the opportunity to attend the parties and meeting new people, they couldn´t care less about his death, they acted as if nothing had happened.
  A few days later, I met with Jordan, but unfortunately, she broke up with me because she was having an affair with another man. This news hurt me a lot, but strangely, I was not surprised. What else could I expect from a woman with that kind of life? That kind of examples? All their friends had affairs, or lover or cheated on them all the time, so after all, I think I knew this would happen at one time of my life.
 I had an opportunity in which I saw Tom, I was really angry with him, I knew he had the fault or had something to do with the acts of Wilson, so I asked him. Anyway, he didn´t answer the answer I expected, he didn´t tell me he had something to do, but I knew he was lying.
 After the experience I had in the East, I figured that that place, wasn´t for me, like nothing to do with me, there were lots of problems, discussions, LOT of drama, I prefer living in my EX-house, at least that was a place in which I fitted, not like this one.

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